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A Sense of Earthing

What is a beginning? An early stage of something new, origin of a person or an organization. Things that are close to our thoughts and heart occasionally starts in the most unexpected manner.

The Earth we live on is abundantly enriched for sustenance of all the life on it. It is bountiful to nurture life in all forms to its fullest and best. There is an invisible energy that binds life to the Earth itself. Scientifically, this is called the principle of Earthing or being connected to the Earth.

To explain purely, Earthing means connecting with the natural energy of the Earth. A barefoot walk on the seashore or a green patch of grass, gives way to that connection. The reason why it feels so good to walk down a beach without slippers or walk around your garden barefoot is because you are soaking up negative ions from the Earth!
The negatively charged ions from this Earthing, bond with and cancel the stress-causing positively charged free radicals in our body. This causes us to feel better, look better, and be a whole lot healthier.

The effects of this single, simple activity are immense. An active cause in reducing body inflammation, reducing chronic pain, improving sleep quality, improving blood viscosity, reducing stress, bettering sleep and an overall enhancing of life itself.

This concept of connecting with the Earth and the physics of Earthing is what we take to every realm of our lives. At House of Adam, it’s back to basics that we are talking about. Let us take you on a journey where we explore how life can be lived, sustained and appreciated for all that it has to offer, in its purest form.

The home of a family brought together by a radical idea and a singular vision of a sustainable lifestyle. Transforming life by choice, from kitchen to the living room to your child’s nursery, our humble abode has products for everyone’s needs.